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Section 28 Of Customs Act 1962

WEB Section 28 of The Customs Act 1962

Understanding Section 28 of the Customs Act

WEB Section 28 of The Customs Act 1962 is a legal provision that governs the recovery of customs duties and interest. It plays a crucial role in ensuring compliance with customs regulations and protecting the revenue interests of the government.

Key Points of Section 28

Section 28 provides for the following scenarios:

  • Unpaid or Underpaid Duties: If any customs duty remains unpaid or has been short-levied, the customs authorities can demand its payment under this section.
  • Erroneous Refunds: If any customs duty has been erroneously refunded to an importer or exporter, the government has the right to recover it under Section 28.
  • Interest Payable: Section 28 also provides for the recovery of interest on any unpaid customs duty. The interest is calculated from the date the duty became due until the date of its payment.

Importance of Section 28

Section 28 is a crucial provision for both the customs authorities and the trading community. It helps to:

  • Ensure Compliance: Enforces compliance with customs regulations and prevents evasion of duties.
  • Protect Revenue: Safeguards the government's revenue by recovering unpaid duties and interest.
  • Provide Transparency: Promotes transparency and accountability in the customs clearance process.


WEB Section 28 of The Customs Act 1962 is a vital legal provision that ensures the smooth functioning of the customs administration and protects the financial interests of the government. It provides a framework for the recovery of unpaid duties, interest, and erroneous refunds, contributing to compliance and transparency in international trade.
